Human Resources Management

UBT Human Resources Management


Human Resource Officers: Teuta Kryeziu and Arjeta Shala


Human Resource Policy


The College is committed to building a cohesive organization where all staff feel valued and will contribute as part of the family. The institution intends the outcome where the staff demonstrates their pride and loyalty to students and the wider organization not only through their regular duties but also through cooperation and participation with major events. To this extend, the institution will place much emphasis on implementing a uniform HR policy and practice throughout the organization and in line with national directives and taking cognizance of best practice for the sector.  A comprehensive staff development strategy shall include functional areas for monitoring key information such as staff profiling data, recruitment and deployment of staff and expenditure on staff development and training.


The institution also focuses on the implementation and importance of effective information and consultation mechanisms across the institution. This is essential for fostering a mutually supportive working environment between functional and hierarchical relationships. This mutually supportive working environment will flow from an ethos of focusing on the student and other clients. We will continue to implement personal development plans and team development plans under the Performance Management and Development Systems for the sector, in line with strategic and operational priorities. These plans will fit with our academic programme provision, research and development ambitions and requirements with regard to administration and support. Under the Staff Development Policy individual plans, e.g. to gain higher qualifications, will be supported as well as College-wide staff development initiatives such as teaching and learning seminars and international staff mobility.


The institution has developed strategies and policies for maintaining the current staff, academic and professional development of staff, and policies to attract better qualified staff in the context of permanent staff of the institution. Special importance also, is dedicated to balancing gender, policy selection, promotion, retribution and teaching workload and scientific-research. Also, an emphasis is being put in attracting young and talented staff with qualifications from renowned education centers worldwide.

Staff development is the principal mechanism by which we ensure that all staff are able to carry out their role within the organisation to the best of their abilities and meet the objectives of the subject department or team. The College is committed to providing appropriate and continuous opportunities to staff throughout to undertake staff development. The following principles are the bedrock of this policy: Equality of access/parity of treatment for all staff; Using our talents to the full; Personal and professional development of the individual; Commitment of resources where the needs of the College are the greatest

The existing Staff Policy stipulates that half of the staff with full rate must be people with experience from the corresponding sector of the labour market, academic staff with part-time norm cannot exceed 40 percent of the total number of academic staff, academic staff shall actively participate in networks of knowledge and forms where labour market agents are represented and engage experienced labour market practicioners as guest lecturers.

To this end, the College expects to:  (a) Conducts staff performance and development review discussions in line with procedures and calendar, (b) establish staff development needs across the institution, (c) allocate appropriate resources to staff development in the context of the annual planning cycle, (d) record, review and evaluate staff development activities and (e) report to Academic Council on an annual basis. Staff, on the other hand, will (a) maintain a personal development plan, (b) offer staff development mentorship to colleagues where possible, (c) and undertake further development opportunities.


Staff selection and promotion



Academic staff selection and promotion procedures are set out in the Statute. The Regulation on Academic Staff Selection, Performance Assessment and Promotion guides the institutional framework on staff workload, designations, staff appraisal and promotion.  College academic staff consists of: professors, associate professors, lecturers teaching assistants, visiting academic staff.  Staff members engaged primarily for research purposes may be entitled to other research titles as determined by the Regulation on Research – junior researcher, senior researcher, research associate or research fellow.

The academic staff are appointed in the following procedure: (a) the Academic Council after having consulted the financial possibilities with the Dean, demands from the Dean to open a call for applications for a given academic position; (b) the Dean can either proceed the demand of the Academic Council, or dismiss it, if financial complications are observed;(c) if the Dean dismisses the Academic Council ’s demand, the Governing Board can intervene and decide upon the case; (d) after the Dean opens the call for applications for an academic position, the Dean gathers all the relevant data from every application and along with the dean of the department of study, where the concerned academic staff will be positioned, selects three of the best candidatures and proposes them to the Academic Council; (e) the Academic Council then appoints one of the three candidates;


Staff Development


The Staff development plan of UBT has several key objectives: (a) to provide a framework for allowing appropriate development opportunities that are de-signed to improve the knowledge, skills and behaviors of staff which will en-hance personal growth and effectiveness if individuals, teams and the organisation in the pursuit of excellence in all of its activities and strategies. (b) to facilitate the process of change; (c) To promote a developmental ethos; (d) to outline various staff development support plans for each institutional strategy; (e) to embed all staff development activity into the institutions’ academic calendar.

Staff development is an integral part of the UBT strategic planning process. The institution recognizes that institutional excellence can only be achieved and maintained by appropriately skilled, experienced and motivated staff. Therefore the institution is committed to: (a) Resource staff development and require Departments to provide developmental plans as part of Financial Planning Process, (b) (b) Establish performance indicators against which Departments and individuals can be measured, (c) Identify and provide selected and targeted develop-ment activities supporting each institutional strategy and the overall Strategic Plan.


The priorities that emerged from the consultation of senior members of staff within the institution are:

(1) Supporting the professional development of those in management roles within the institution – all newly appointed to a management role are given appropriate levels of support when undertaking a management / leadership role;

(2) Supporting managers in addressing performance issues – there is a need to address the range of performance issues that can arise at various stages of a member of staff’s working life within the Institute e.g. induction, probation and later stages. Support is required both for the manager / leader and the individual member of staff;

(3) Supporting staff in the professional development of lecturers and researchers – there is a need to develop clearly articulated development pathways for all staff across all categories who have a teaching and / or a research role. This should be linked where appropriate to newly agreed criteria for promotion and reward. All staff involved in teaching should be encouraged to seek further academic qualifications;

(4) Supporting e-learning activity – this is an area of development that has two strands: (a) the technical expertise of on line teaching i.e. Web CT knowledge and (b) the pedagogy of learning using an ‘on line’ environment;

(5) Supporting Staff in Technology and Knowledge Transfer – there is a need to support staff in all their activities in relation to technology and knowledge transfer. In particular support is required in the development of consultancy skills and knowledge, understanding of Intellectual Property and the impact of its management on the institution.

