Aims and Objectives

The Faculty’s study program aims to prepare competent architects for identification and analysis of architectural problems, drafting and development of architectural projects and service for community in the professional field taking into consideration also general social and environmental issues.


The program encompasses skills on communication and information and ideas exchange. The program also includes interdisciplinary aspects that enable students to transfer and contextualize their competences in different fields and different working environments, including team-working and individual working skills.


On successful completion of this program students should be able to:

  1. Possess and understand advanced knowledge in the development and critical analysis of architectural designs, urban planning, and the interplay of housing and urban design.
  2. Use integrated knowledge to situate architecture within historical, social, cultural, and ecological contexts, emphasizing landscape architecture and the benefits of urban vegetation and parks.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a coherent perception of the historical, theoretical, national, regional, and international knowledge of architecture, including architectural heritage.
  4. Apply techniques, methods, and tools in the evaluation of social, economic, and spatial aspects through the design and planning process, considering aspects of mathematics, geodesy, and building physics.
  5. Solve complex problems related to construction, building technology, and engineering, integrating knowledge from geomechanics and technical mechanics.
  6. Innovate in the creation of urban spaces, emphasizing energy-efficient designs and the role of acoustics in building physics.
  7. Execute specific research on practical skills and theory, including the exploration of materials in architecture, computer applications in architectural designs, and the dynamics of environmental management.
  8. Analyze data, processes, or structures to gain knowledge of principles, solutions, structures, and building materials, using tools from courses such as construction economics and technical mechanics.
  9. Exercise autonomy and take primary responsibility for professional communication and interpretation, synthesizing insights from art history, design studios, and regional planning.
  10. Deal with ethical and professional issues in architecture, drawing from courses on ethics, architectural heritage, and the broader socio-economic context of urban planning.
