Political Science

  • The program is designed to respond to the current demand and supply forces, providing a balanced education.
  • The program responds to the needs of the market for more political experts who are able to respond to increasing trends of Kosovo institutional development and to better respond to the growing needs for qualified professionals in the field of EU integration standards, foreign policy and state-building in public administration;
  • The program offers innovative approaches and modern courses linking IR / diplomacy, European integration and public administration, the supply of the educational needs of the Kosovo market for access in certain areas of study, in the field of EU integration, IR / diplomacy and public administration;
  • The program addresses Kosovo Policy, the specifics of policy in most of the courses offered in this program, ensuring that students are equipped with the specifics of Kosovo and trained to engage with the reforms needed to be addressed in the context of integration and state building;
  • The program is based on both theoretical and political approaches to modern political science, offering a balanced approach to the study of behavior and list of policies in the context of state and politics;
  • The program offers numerous comparative advantages in terms of building analytical and policy drafting skills to students in order to meet the learning outcomesof this Program;
  • Program ensures a steady increase of knowledge and skills of students through the years, while also providing sufficient multidisciplinary effort to educate students in political science sub-disciplines;
  • Program provides a fundamentally political science staff, in contrast to all other programs offered in Kosovo, also by combining the balance between political scientists and policy practitioners.

Bachelor studies in Political Science offer a broad spectrum approach and provide students with knowledge and skills of political science, concentrating in one of these three science-related course of study. The program aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to make them be able to understand, engage, analyze and develop policies and its related disciplines. Students develop their own political interests in a wide range of political sciences related to specialized fields and areas of the program, through a range of optional courses. The program offers flexible route through which students can fulfill their academic career, ensuring that students become able to engage effectively in political systems after graduation from this program.

Graduates in this program typically begin a political career, working with international organizations and national political organizations and political counseling and advice. A certain percentage of graduates start their careers working in the private non-profit sector, having been trained to understand the interface between policy established, market and non-profit sector.


Dean: Hajdi Xhixha

Email: hajdi.xhixha@ubt-uni.net


Pro-Dean: Arian Kadriu



Coordinator:  Samire Sadiku

Email: samire.sadiku@ubt-uni.net

