Industry Partnership

The programme aims to respond the essential needs of an emerging private sector in Kosovo. Kosovo’s economy is short on capable and skilled individuals that would complement and steer the process of private sector development. While there are many public and private sector institutions offering similar programmes in substance, it is the focus on skills, areas, methodology of delivery and approach of the programme that should make it both new and a rewarding experience for students.

The philosophy, methodology and the structure of the programme have evolved in the context of the Nations Education Strategy, Nations Employment Strategy and National Economic Development Plan. Information regarding the content, specialization, methodology and target group has emanated from institutions participation in USAID Private Sector Development Programme, World Bank and Ministry of Trade and Industry Working Group on Business Reforms.

Consultations with the existing students have been an important input. The Study Commission has also taken into great consideration both the Kosovo business outlook and employment outlook studies where existing businesses and workers have given ideas as to where the next orientation of education programmes should be as well as giving important inputs regarding the kind of skills that a student would need to succeed in contemporary business and economy.

The graduates seem to operate best in the manufacturing and services industries.  The skills that they have acquired seem to fit the requirements of higher level management in both private and public institutions. Based on the data of the annual UBT Alumni Survey most students operate and work in the following areas: (a) have set up their own businesses, (b) have taken over family businesses, (c) have taken management functions in SME’s, (d) have taken positions as consultants in the consulting industry, (e) have taken research and executive positions in the public sector, (f) banking and insurance sector and (g) have continued progressing towards a Masters in other international universities.

The policy of UBT in general and of the faculty of Management, Business and Economics considers internships and practical application a significant aspect and a supplement to theoretical (curricular) part of learning process. It enables students to apply their knowledge and skills gained during the programme.  We have signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with different stakeholders and we provide professional support to our students so that they benefit from internships and practical work. Beside of exploiting MOUs and creating opportunities for internships, we encourage all students to seek internship experiences on the international organization where they can acquire, share and benchmark their knowledge and skills whilst gaining an international experience which nowadays is becoming a necessity to succeed in the labor market.