
The Master in Criminal Law (LLM) program is offered to gain knowledge in the key area of criminal law, with a focus on criminal justice standards and national measures for the development of criminal law. Students gain in-depth knowledge to critically examine the substantive doctrine and interpretation of laws and by-laws of Kosovo’s criminal law, criminal procedure, comparative criminal law, and critically examine court decisions regarding criminal cases. To develop creative answers for special areas of criminal law such as criminology, victimology, penology, as well as measures to prevent and fight organized crime. They achieve advanced analytical and problem-solving skills in solving complex issues related to pre-criminal and criminal procedure.


The Law Faculty of UBT College has designed a study program as a specialization of law education in Kosovo, enabling the next generation lawyers with practical skills, fostering the highest standards of ethics, promoting the fair administration of justice, and increasing the professional competition between penal lawyers. The program builds on the knowledge of the Bachelor program, the traditions of penal law studies and the contemporary demands of penal lawyers, who can earn career prospects in the government, law firms or corporations or even in a private practice.


The program in Criminal Law (LLM) strives to prepare students for employment is various agencies within the Criminal Justice system, included but not limited to careers within:

-Correctional Service of Kosovo;

-The prosecutorial system of Kosovo;

-The judicial system of Kosovo;

-Lawyers’ offices;



The program is dedicated to preparing students for successful employment through various strategies. Firstly, it provides practical experiences such as internships, externships, or clinical programs, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world legal settings. The program may also facilitate networking opportunities, connecting students with legal professionals and alumni to expand their professional contacts. The program offers students various opportunities throughout the academic year to network and engage with professionals currently working in the field. Below is a list of engagement opportunities that are offered to our students:

–           Annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Law- students can take attend conference on campus to network with professionals in all areas of Criminal Justice.

–           Internship opportunities;

–           Study visit (Police, Court, Prosecutor)

–           Guest speakers