Teaching and Learning

This study program will provide opportunities to students that besides academic and theoretical knowledge gain widely practical skills as well. The program will have around 70% theoretical/academic focus and 30% practical learning opportunities.


The program lasts for two years. In order to successfully finish the course, 180 credit points have to be collected. Credit points are a quantitative measure for the overall work load of a student. They include the actual lectures as well as the time spent preparing and evaluating lectures (attending events vs. private study), taking exams, preparing for exams, thesis and seminar work and, as the case may be, work placements. An effort of 30 hours is taken as a basis to earn one credit point. One study year’s effort amounts to 1800 hours of work. Consequently, the whole course corresponds to 3600 hours of work. One credit point is equivalent to an ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit point.


UBT will adopt a suitable approach to guide practical learning of students, which will be lead and supervised by respective UBT relevant academic and professional staff proposed for this study program as well as from selected mentors from employer cooperation partners.

The practical learning of students will be organized and supported via following approaches:

  • In the UBT environment (UBT media section, composed of radio, newspaper, and portal units);
  • In the relevant media, institutions, and organizations with whom UBT has cooperation agreements (see the table below);


RTV stationsRadio stationsNewspapersPortals
KTVRadio Zeri i ShtimesZëriIndeksonline
RTVRadio DukagjiniEpoka e reTelegrafi
RTV 21Radio VizionBota Sot
 Radio GjakovaLajmi
 Radio PejaTribuna
 Radio HelixKoha Ditore
 Radio Vala RinoreKosova Sot
 Radio Kosova e Lire
 Radio Tema
 Radio Sharri
 Radio Vala
 Radio Alba
 Radio K
 Radio Pozhorani
 Radio 24
 Radio Star
 Radio Vicano
 Radio 21
 Radio Premiera
 Radio Blu Sky
 Radio Drenasi