Performance Indicators

UBT Key Performance Indicators


The UBT Scorecard tracks the results that the organization has achieved in key outputs which contribute to the overall outcome of contributing to the society where the institution operates.  It has since tracked its key results in four essential dimensions: (1) Customer results – which includes the number of students, their satisfaction and their performance in the labour market, (2) Financial results – tracks organization’ funding for the strategy, (3) internal business – tracks the number of products and services (academic programmes, research activity and training) and (4) Learning and growth – the number, quality and satisfaction of staff members with the organization.


The UBT ScoreCard uses the following indicators and sub-indicators. The table below lists the components and scale of measurement.


Indicator 1: Customer results


1.1  Student and stakeholder satisfaction (%)
1.2  Number of students
1.3  Graduate employment (%)

Indicator 2:  Financial results

2.1 Cash flow efficiency (%)
2.2 Overhead (%)
2.3 Funding incomes (Euro)
2.4 Funding expenditure (Euro)

Indicator 3:   Internal Business results

 3.1  Number of academic programmes
 3.2  Number of research projects
 3.3  Number of  certification programmes
 3.4  Number of partnerships
 3.5  Matrix efficiency
 3.6 Filled posts
 3.7 Project management
 3.8  Business excellence

Indicator 4:  Learning and growth

 4.1 Number of staff
 4.2 Training and staff development
 4.3 People satisfaction
 4.4 Staff ratio
 4.5 Skill orientation



In terms of Customer results, the scorecard measures and tracks the number of students, their satisfaction and their performance in the labour market.   There are three indicators used to support the measurement of this result:  number of students,  student satisfaction with UBT and student employment levels after graduation.


Financial results – the scorecard measures and tracks the level of income and overheads for every financial year since 2008. The overview of financial income progression reveals a steady increase in organisational incomes over the past cycle of the UBT strategy.  The funding of strategy has been centered on the financial model that is based on student fees, research funding and commercial projects.


Internal business performance tracks the number of products and services developed and offered by UBT since 2008.  The scorecard includes some key indicators like the number of academic programs developed and offered for the students,  the number of research projects and the number of professional training certification offered but also the number of partnerships, international cooperation projects etc. In addition to the academic programs as the key product at UBT,  the organisation has also seen a positive trend in the number of research projects developed from none in 2008 to about 50 research projects in 2017.  Additionally,  UBT is also seen as a centre of professional certification and it has since developed certification programs compared to none in the first year of operation.


Learning and growth tracks the number, training, staff satisfaction and staff ratio per student. We have been engaged in contributing to the development of our communities and have thus fulfilled another segment of our mission as a university, which is to better serve the community and support its development. The academic as well as the administrative staff is actively involved in projects and encouraged with their ideas. Some of the projects that UBT has recently been engaged include drafting and finalizing Economic development strategies for several municipalities and national institutions.