Aims and Objectives

The Master Program of Food Science and Technology at UBT offers an advanced academic education in this field. This program is in full compliance with the mission and the vision of UBT. The main target of this program is the general economic and social development, the raise of innovation and the offer of unik possibilities for the development of the privat sector.


UBT in its scope of work, since several years has adapted a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary access, that enable development, advance and successful application of studying programs in different cycles of study, including this program.


The mission of the program of Food Science and Technology is to contribute in society, through comprehensive programs of high university education, designed according to comprehensive curricula, compared to developed countries snd the level of Kosovo development, in the field of Food science and Technology, supported from a strong didactic base, scientific and practical experience and human resurces included.


This studying program enables students to work effectively in circumstances of a very competitive national and international trade conditions. Successful completion of studies enables a lot of job employment possibilities in middle management levels or executive levels in national and international companies, in privat sector and public as well.


Also, this program enables candidates to be engaged in academicly oriented profesions or to attend further studies in doctorate level.


UBT offers an academic access thas is its innovative dynamic and trend which are in step with technological trend of XXI century. UBT creates suitable ground and give possibility to students, faculties and staff to have self-governing environment.


UBT has created an suitable environment for cooperation and close interaction between students, academic staff and administrators. UBT is committed to develop its activity as an active member of the community, enabling possibility for teaching, research, interaction and creativity between intellectuals.


UBT is an known and prominent institution in its intellectual and cultural activity in Kosovo, improving the quality of life in regional level through skills, knowledge, experience and faculties, staff students and alumni engagement.