Mbyll punimet aktiviteti i Sistemeve të Informacionit në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion


Konferenca Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion ka vazhduar punimet me hapjen e aktivitetit në fushën e Sistemeve të Informacionit, në prani të shumë pjesëmarrësve të interesuar, shumica prej të cilëve edhe prezantuan punimet e tyre shkencore dhe dhanë rekomandimet mbi temat që trajtuan.

Çështjet dhe temat të cilat u elaboruan në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:

Chair: Prof Dr. Anita Mirijamdotter
Co – Chair: Bejtush Ademi

Key Note Speaker: Prof Dr. Anita Mirijamdotter
Risk Assessment process according to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Blerton Abazi
Implementation of Management Systems in Healthcare, their Potential and Impact – Romina Agaçi
The Impact of Digitalization on Business Processes: case study: Kosovo SMEs – Ylber Limani, Edmond Hajrizi, Rina Sadriu
Digital Economy and Technological Readiness: Impact on Economic Competitiveness in Kosovo – Edi Bushati, Albnora Hoti
Protection of Personal Data Security of Information and Access to Public Documents: Challenge for Kosovo Institutions – Ruzhdi Jashari
The impact of information technology in Human Resources Management. Case Study: Kosovo – Art Hoxha, Albnora Hoti
Technologies that are Needed to Detect Malicious Code Known as Automated Defense in Cyber Security & Privacy – Atdhe Buja, Edmond Hajrizi
Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing: Case study on web application security – Gazmend Krasniqi, Veton Bejtullahu

Chair : Prof Dr. Felix Breitenecker
Co – Chair : Blerton Abazi

Key Note Speaker: Prof Dr. Felix Breitenecker
The Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Sector: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities – George Telonis, Peter P. Groumpos
E-entrepreneurship challenges: evidence from Amazon.com Inc. – Kaltrina Sylaj, Hasan Metin, Naim Preniqi, Muhamet Gërvalla
Application Possibilities of Blockchain Technology in Banking Sector in terms of Data Security and Privacy – Bujar Lushta
The Current Situation of Digital Transformation Process in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): The case of Kosovo – Ylber Limani, Edmond Hajrizi, Murat Retkoceri
E-services as a Valuable Tool to Foster Better Interaction in the Republic of Kosovo – Albert Aliu, Arbnor Halili
Trends Technology Innovation and application of SMART Managing System Operation for the future – Vehebi Sofiu
Benefits of Implementation of the Systems Management Systems Standards in Kosovo (ISO 9001, ISO / IEC 27001 and ISO / IEC 20000) – Driton S. Bejtullahu, Edmond Hajrizi, Naim Preniqi