Mbyll punimet aktiviteti i Inxhinierisë Ndërtimore dhe Infrastrukturës në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion


Aktiviteti i Inxhinierisë Ndërtimore dhe Infrastrukturës, në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion, e organizuar nga UBT, ka mbledhur ekspertë nga vendi, rajoni e bota, të cilët trajtuan tema tejet të rëndësishme dhe në interes të përgjithshëm.

Punimet shkencore që u dorëzuan e prezantuan në konferencën e Inxhinierisë Ndërtimore dhe Infrastrukturës ishin:

Chair: Muhamet Ahmeti
Co – Chair: Bruno Dal Lago

Invited Key Lecture – Bruno Dal Lago “Rehabilitation of early-age precast concrete structures: a feasibility study on an industrial complex progressively built in 1940s-1970s in Northern Italy”
“Hydropower, environmental engineering, water management and the use of computer
modelling“ Paul Munters
“Does an(y) order exist within the Structural Art“, Feti Selmani
“Dynamical testing of axially loaded tie-rods” Rinaldo Garziera
“Feasibility Study of Using Tyre-Rubber Chips in Roller Compacted Concrete”, M. Beddar
“Options for connecting of reinforcement bars by mechanical couplers”, Radmila Sinđić Grebović
“Repair and Strengthening of R/C beams with carbon fibers and its application in our region”,
Ilir Hetemi
“Multicriteria Decision Aid For Measuring Resilience In A Three IC – CEIE, 2018
Impact of planning and “profit driven construction”, in “Unsustainability of the city of
Prishtina”, Elvida Pallaska
“Incorporation of the New Structures in the Historical Context“,Besa Jagxhiu
Challenges of Real Estate Appraisers in Kosovo, Marjan Ivezaj
“Green Concrete made with Recycled Concrete Aggregates: Fresh and Hardened Properties:, Driton R. Kryeziu
Optimum utilization of fly ash for achieving properties of high performance concrete, Anjeza Alaj

Chair : Hazir Çadraku
Co – Chair: Visar Krelani

“Groundwater hydro-chemical types in the Blinajë River Basin, Kosovo”, Hazir Çadraku
“Water Losses Management in Mitrovica region” Faruk Hajrizi
“Assessment of Underground Water Quality in the Basin of Blinaja River, Kosovo”, Hazir Çadraku
“Flood and Source Protection for Wellfield “Pusi i Atit”- Grejokvc – Suhareke”, Sokol Xhafa
“ Water Losses Management in Mitrovica region” Faruk Hajrizi
“Small-scale physical modelling of slope failures in sands”, Tasevska M, Josifovski
“Mapping of Geothermal Features in Region of Ferizaj-Kosovo”, Bekim Selimi
“ Application of the GGU-Footing Program in Geotechnical Engineering”, Hysen Ahmeti
“Comparison of geophysical measurements with geotechnical measurements for the possibility of using Krileva’s andesite as construction material”, Musa Shabani
“Assessment of enterprise level management in construction sector in Kosovo“ Emine Daci
“Road Safety Audit Interaction Between Pedestrians And Vehicles In The Junction”, NolDedaj

Chair : Muhamet Ahmeti
Co – Chair : Nexhmi Krasniqi

“Ferro-nickel slag (Drenas, Kosova) use on production of mixed cement for high performance
concrete”, Izet Ibrahimi
“Improvement of Quality In The New Glass Through The Combination Of Fly Ash, Slags Of Ferronickel And Glass Residues” Izet Ibrahimi
“Existing Masonry Structures Under seismic Impact and their Reinforcement”, Arsim Rapuca
“YU 81 Code vs Eurocode in Seismic Force Calculation”, Arberesha Kastrati
“Investigation of Production of Brick with WasteCoal Powder Additive”, Mehmedi Vehbi Gökçe
“Personnel As Basic Element Of Functioning
“Climate Change And Climate Risk Assessment”, Lavdim Osmanaj
Related To The Maintenance Of Building Objects In Mining” Nexhmi Krasniqi
“Self-healing capacity of concrete due to different exposure conditions based on Kosovo
environment”, Visar Krelani

Chair : Nol Dedaj
Co – Chair : Hysen Ahmeti

“The Treatment of Joint Shared Spaces of Collective Housing Buildings- Case Study in
Prishtina”, Binak Beqaj
“Adaptation of Wood Processing Engineers to New Technologies”, Ramadan Topuzi
“Mathematical Modeling Of Technological Parameters Of The Work Of Bucket Wheel
Excavators”, Ahmet Bytyqi
“Analysis Of Accidents In The Construction Sector In Kosovo”, Muhamet Ahmeti
“Assessing the impact of infrastructure for economic competitiveness – evidence from
Kosovo”, Visar Krelani, Jeton Zogaj
“Audit Of Canalization Network Concerned With Removal Of Sewage In Rahovec”, Arton Thaqi
“Reconstruction Of Sportive Objects – Stadium Of Prishtina”, Besim Duraku
Management Of Drinkable Water Losses In The Water Supplay Sector Of Malisheva”, Burim Sopaj
“Road Significance For Increasing Safety In Trafficking And Regulation Of Legal Infrastructure” – Milaim Ahmetaj
“Regulation For Light Systems in Road traffic safety”, Milaim Ahmetaj.