Profesionistë të fushës së mjekësisë ndanë punimet e tyre në aktivitetin e Shkencave Mjekësore
28/10/2023Në vazhdën e Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Biznes, Inovacion dhe Teknologji, Shkencat Mjekësore zhvilluan aktivitetin e tyre që u strukturua në pesë sesione. Secili sesion trajtoi tema interesante e me relevancë për pjesëmarrësit, ku fokusi ishte te çështjet e rëndësishme të shëndetit dhe mjekësisë.
Hulumtimet dhe analizat e tilla ndikojnë në praktikën mjekësore dhe shëndetësore, si dhe ofrojnë rekomandime të dobishme mbi përmirësimin e kujdesit shëndetësor dhe mjekësor.
Kjo konferencë është akredituar nga Oda e Infermierëve të Kosovës, me ç’rast pjesëmarrësit aktiv u poentuan me 20 pikë akredituese, ndërsa ata pasiv me 15 pikë.
Në vijim gjeni punimet shkencore që u prezantuan në këtë aktivitet:
Sesioni i parë:
Chair: Fitim Alidema
Co – Chair: Naser Rugova
Keynote speaker:
Fitim Alidema – Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences
Margarita Gjepa – International professor
Gëzim Boqari – International professor
- “Genealogical analysis of two names in the role of genes in albanian population”, Naser Kamberi, Hyzer Rizani & Vlera Sadikaj;
- “Genealogical, genetic, biochemical analysis of bar’s body in hemophilia type A”, Naser Kamberi, Hyzer Rizani, Elsa Seferi;
- “Relationship between diet and academic performance of high school students”, Adonis Breznica;
- “Migraine headaches in pediatric ages: A study on prevalence, influencing factors, and manifestations in a group of students in Kosovo”, Adonis Breznica;
- “AMH, FSH and Female Infertility”, Afrim Zeqiraj;
- “IC– Medical Sciences and Nursing, 2023 The effects of the course on human sexuality on students’ knowledge and attitudes about sexual health”, Hajrullah Fejza, Ejona Icka, Albina Fejza & Fitim Alidema;
- “Challenges Faced by Nurses during Night Shifts: A Literature Review”, Shqipe Agushi, Nafije Pajaziti & Denis Celcima;
Sesioni i dytë:
Chair: Hajrullah Fejza
Co – Chair: Fadil Kryeziu
- “The influence of negative pressure in the treatment of wound infections”, Argjiro Alija & Njomza Shosholli Peja;
- “Epidemic of acute gastroenteritis in deçan municipality, july 2021: challenges in research and management of the epidemic”, Naser Rugova & Brikenda Sharapolli;
- “Child-Pough C patients with Liver cirrhosis and Proton Pump Inhibitors Use as Independent Risks of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis”, Zaim Gashi, Fadil Sherifi & Arjeta Gashi;
- “Proton Pump Inhibitors in the Treatment of Barrett,s Esophagus: Our experience”, Zaim Gashi, Arjeta Gashi & Fadil Sherifi;
- “Conservative management of Lumbar Disc Herniation, literature review and case study”, Ardiana Hajdari & Arsim Hajdari;
- “Managment of Intrahospital infections in the Orthopedic Clinic on QKUK”, Luljeta Osmani, Migena Tasholli & Ariana Zenuni-Cebeci;
- “Factors Influencing Workload Levels Among Nurses in Surgical Clinics at QKUK”, Yllka Krasniqi, Fëllënza Spahiu & Shqiptar Demaҫi;
Sesioni i tretë:
Chair: Shqipe Agushi
Co – Chair: Shqiptar Demaci
- “Lotus Petal Flap Reconstruction of the Labia Major and Perineum after Necrotizing Fasciitis Infection”, Zejnë Buja, Havushe Ramadani, Besnik Deliu;
- “3 Colposcopy is being assessed as a potential diagnostic tool for cervix and vaginal pathology in primary care settings”, Hana Bejiqi, Besmira Morina & Blend Bejiqi;
- “Barriers Affecting (Non)Reporting of Medication Errors by Nurses in Surgical Clinics at QKUK”, Fëllënza Spahiu1, Yllka Krasniqi & Besnik Elshani;
- “Clostridium difficile infection following standard triple therapy for H. pylori eradication: a report of 3 cases”, Skender Telaku, Edmond Islamaj, Bajraktari Burim & Mimoza Telaku;
- “Possibility of eye overdose during radiation therapy of head tumors”, Lulzim Thaçi;
- “Nursing care in patients with pneumonia”, Trendeline Blakaj Pllana, Dhurat Salihu & Shpetim Blakaj
- “Improving patient satisfaction through communication strategy”, Albana Hashani Berisha & Blerina Isufi Zejnullahi;
Sesioni i katërt:
Chair: Xhevat Kurhasani
Co – Chair: Skender Dreshaj
- “Prevalence of antibiotics in patients hospitalized in “isa grezda” general hospital in Gjakovo”, Fitim Alidema, Rina Shehu & Arieta Hasani Alidema;
- “The level of nursing competences in different periods of the professional career – A systematic review”, Abdullah Gruda, Andrita Kurhasku & Arlinda Demaj;
- “Integrated Health and Social Services for Aging Population 65+ with Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Municipality of Lipjan”, Agim Krasniqi;
- “The role of peripheral blood smear analysis in diagnosing the type of anemia”, Zafer Gashi, Fitim Alidema, Muhamet Kadrija, Fitore Gashi, Gentian Elezaj, Liridon Elezaj, Fitim Gashi & Shkelzen Elezaj;
- “Male infertility caused by bacterial genital infections”, Zafer Gashi, Fitim Alidema, Muhamet Kadrija, Fitore Gashi, Gentian Elezaj, Liridon Elezaj, Fitim Gashi & Shkelzen Elezaj;
- “A cross-sectional study, Prevalence of spinal degeneration in the population of Kosova”, Ilir Ahmetgjekaj, Kaltrina Goçaj & Arben Kutllovci;
Sesioni i pestë:
Chair: Albina Fejza
Co – Chair: Fellenza Spahiu
- “The influence of social networks on adolescents”, Qendresa Demiri;
- “Nosocomial infections”, Rexhep Gjyliqi, Behram Gjyliqi & Lirak Gjyliqi;
- “Preferences of women in the municipality of Peja for methods of birth”, Xhevat Kurhasani, Bleona Uka & Rina Rexha;
- “Implementation of information systems in public health programs – SIM-TB case study”, Xhevat Kurhasani, Njomza Mala & Rina Rexha;
- “Myocardial infarction and the expansion of knowledge for patients with acute infarction”, Albana Hashani Berisha & Haxhrije Haxhija;
- “An outbreak of food poisoning: A brief epidemiological investigation”, Fadil Kryeziu, Violeta Kryeziu, Violeta Emini, Lebibe Hashani, Afrim Krasniqi & Sejran Abdushi.