Teaching and Learning




The didactic concept implemented in Information Systems aims to enhance students’ explicit knowledge (conceptualization/reflection) and tacit knowledge (experimentation/experience).



Conceptualization: Explicit knowledge processed through theory

Experimentation: conceptual knowledge becomes grounded

Experience: practical application of tacit knowledge, reinforcing tacit knowledge gained from experimentation

Reflection: brings inherent tacit knowledge to the surface


The practical learning of students will be organized and supported via following approaches: In the UBT laboratories; In the industrial enterprises with whom UBT has cooperation agreements.

Student assessment is based on:

Seminars: have to be issued once per semester and course with goal of giving a formative assessment of student progress. Seminar can be written and or oral. It is up to the responsible teacher to define the form of a Seminar and the grade percentage. The Seminar of a course comprises for 20 % of the final grade of the courses.


Interdisciplinary Projects: Every student has to conduct one interdisciplinary project during the semester. Projects always consist of a written and an oral part. The projects are graded. The interdisciplinary project comprises for 20 % of the final grade of the courses included in the project.


In Lab examination: the lab experimentation and numerical exercises of specific courses include the form of the examination defined by a professor. It can be in a form of oral examination, quizzes, quarterly written exam, etc. It is up to the responsible teacher to define the grade percentage of the in lab evaluation tasks, seminars and projects).


Final exams: have to be conducted after the end of semester based on the terms defined by the UBT. The final examinations have to cover the learning outcomes for the course and they have to be graded. The final exam comprises for 60% of the grade of the examined course.