Teaching and Learning

The curriculum provides both a subject and design oriented approach to education. In addition to the fundamentals of computer science and engeneering, the curriculum is geared towards system analysis and design. The curriculum has hence included a process-orientation dimension intended to encourage students’ committment to projects. The main practical component of the programme is outlined through Individual Lab Project 1 and Individual Lap Project 2 which are windows for students to practically apply their knowledge of the theoritical underpinings of the programme. Lab work component is integrated across almost all courses. The programme also highlights the importance of preparing students for the labour market and it hance since included a Professional Communication/Development Seminar.


In order to outline management aspects associated with the eductional technlology the relevant organisational and managemenet elements for the lab courses are as follows:  teaching materials are placed into the Moodle platform (online learning), attendance to the tutorials and labs is mandatory,  students can have access to the laboratory and wireless PC room, a tight coupling between lecture and laboratory activity,  technical support for tutorial and lab sessions which would be delivered by staff who understand problems and their solution,large whiteboards, flipcharts, LCD and projectors for presentations.


The ECTS credit of UBT measures a cingle credit is equivalent with 30 academic hours. As part of the the credit system, the institution calculates contact hours, practical work and self-study. The programme lasts for three years for a total of 5400 hours. A full academic year is equivalent with 1800 hours of contact hours, self study and practice. During three years of study the student has to complete the entire 180 ECTS split into six 30 ECTS semesters.


The institution has a wide network of institutions and industry network to enable students work placement. The programme in itself has attracted both students and  people already enagaged in the labour market and the study choice seems to have been mainly oriented as skills upgrading process. The programme emphasizes the importane of practical work both in terms of the share of hours dedicated to practical laboratory experience and its focus on an industry-based thesis and application. The theory-practice section above outlines the laboratories that the institution has acquired to enable students a greater emphasis on the practical component. Furthermore, the institution has attracted industry practicioners to lecture at the institution as a means to reinforce students’ insights into the latest developments in the industry. A complete list of agreements with industry as well as student mobility options has been describied in detail in the Student Employment and Career Section of this report.