Visit to Washington DC: Rector Hajrizi meets Tony Rodriguez, discussing deepening cooperation between UBT and Open Gov Hub (Photo)


The Rector of UBT, Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi, continued his series of important meetings in Washington DC, including a successful meeting with Tony Rodriguez, the Director of Open Gov Hub.

During this constructive dialogue, the model promoted by the organization in its networks was discussed, involving more than 100 well-known organizations in the field of good governance, transparency, and accountability.

Rector Hajrizi and Director Rodriguez expressed their desire to deepen cooperation between UBT and Open Gov Hub, including the possibility of opening a branch in Kosovo.

Additionally, during the visit, meetings were held with members of this organization, including the Open Government Partnership, which plays an important role in monitoring reports of the Republic of Kosovo in the field of transparency and accountability.

The Rector expressed interest in involving UBT in projects and initiatives of this nature, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation for the advancement of education and good governance.