Friday marks the opening session of the International Conference of Science, Innovation and Technology which is going to take place in UBT
23/10/2018UBT has already finished the preparations for organizing the most eminent International Conference of Science, Business, Technology and Innovation, which is going to take place on Friday, 26th October starting at 16.00 at Innovation Campus of UBT in Lipjan. Whereas the other sessions of the conference are going to start from 09.00 in the UBT campus of Lipjan.
The seventh edition of this conference will bring up together almost 700 researchers from whom 233 are international scholars. There will be presented over 400 papers from 15 different fields of study. Consequently, the overall numer of participants is expected to surpass the number of 1200 persons.
The participants come from 24 different states involving four continents. Beside that, in this conference will also participate scholars and researchers who haven’t been part of this conference in the previous editions. Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that there will also participate young scholars who have never been part of such events.
The main purpose of this conference is to provide the researchers, professors, doctoral students as well as experts coming from industry sector, to share their ideas and knowledge among each other.
Due to fact, the conference is going to have a broad scope by extending it’s activity in 15 different fields of study such as follows;
-Management, Business and Economy;
– Computer Science and Engineering;
-Mechatronics, Engineering Systems and Robotics
– Efficient Energy Engineering;
– Information Systems and Security;
– Architecture and Spatial Planning;
– Civil Engineering, Infrastructire and Environment;
– Law;
– Political Science;
– Journalism, Media and Communication;
– Food Science and Technology;
– Medical Science, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences;
– Integrated Design;
– Psychology;
– Development and Education;
Obviously, UBT is giving a great contribution to development of science and research by organizing annual conferences and providing the professors and scholars coming from a wide range of study fields with the opportunity of unfolding the outcomes of their scientific work. In addition, this conferece also aims at drawing the attention of the audience and create them them with the opportunity of being up-to-date about the latest tendencies and innovations in all fields of study.
For further information click at: http://conferences.ubt-uni.net/. If you have any other questions please contact at: info@ubt-uni.net.