UBT Rector Hajrizi participated in the conference namely, “Albanian Public Universities Facing the Challenges of the European Higher Education Area”


On this occasion there was organized, “Albanian Public Universities Facing the Challenges of the European Higher Education Area”, in Korça, which was also attended by the UBT Rector, Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi.


UBT Rector prof.dr Edmond Hajrizi availed from opportunity, to participate in the conference “Albanian Public Universities Facing the Challenges of European Higher Education Area”. The conference was held in Korça, respectively by Fan S. Noli University, as mobility in Albanian universities was one of the main principles discussed at the conference, putting the emphasis on the need for such collaboration, as it would benefit students and academic staff.  In addition, UBT Rector of Hajrizi put it that the institution is willing to collaborate in a broad scope of scientific research fields. Indeed, this would strongly contribute to the opening of joint study programs while at the same time will assist other institutions professionally in enhancing the quality and capacity building.


In this regard, Rectors who participated in this conference commonly agreed to support students in acquiring the right competencies regarding their profession, in order to meet the demands of the labor market. Meanwhile, there was also tackled the concerning issue about the challenge of reducing the number of students coming as a result of immigration, fertility decline and a wide range of other factors.


Furthermore, there were also closely elaborated topics of common interest such as; Public University Governance, Autonomy, Structures and Inclusion, Internationalization of Public Universities, Challenges and Perspectives, Unexploited Quality Management Potential and University Curriculum and Employment etc.